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VR Experiences: Cubism Review

An Addicting & Challenging VR Puzzle Game Cubism by Cubism VR is another game where once you start, you can’t ever stop. This is even more simplistic and minimalist than Puzzling Places , but it’s still a delightful playthrough of an...

The First iPhone: Revolutionary Smartphone or an Overpriced Toy?

How the Tech World Reacted to the First iPhone When Steve Jobs announced the first iPhone in 2007, he said, “Today Apple is going to reinvent the phone.” That June, the iPhone released and sold over 6 million units until it was...

VR Experiences: Puzzling Places Review

An Atmospheric VR Puzzle Game Puzzling Places is a game where once you start, you can’t stop. It’s one of the most satisfying games I’ve played so far on the Oculus Quest , but the most magical part isn’t what you think. The minimalist...

VR Experiences: Bait! Review

A Free Fishing Game for Oculus Bait! is a relaxing fishing game in VR made by Resolution Games. Plus it’s free , which is a pretty good deal. The core gameplay is casting your rod out into the lake, waiting for a fish to bite, and then...

Should I buy a pre-made app or get a custom app built for my use case?

Two Ways to Make an App If you want a specific app or virtual experience that requires development, the dream is often to have a fully custom app built with exactly the features, interface, and design you’re looking for. But not every use...

VR and Filmmaking Trends in Latin America

As a very technologically driven sector, the film industry hasn’t missed the jump into the immersive world that gaming and app development industries have openly embraced. The idea to fully immerse the audience in storytelling has been...

Is VR Safe?

VR Safety Concerns In the world of virtual reality, health and safety is a top priority for creators and the number one concern for consumers. Is VR safe to use? Can VR cause motion sickness? Can VR damage your eyes? While it’s true...

What is Immersive Sound Design?

What We Use for Sound Design Virtual reality has become an evolutionary cornerstone in immersive technology, and it didn't take long for engineers to realize how spatial audio could significantly enhance the simulated experience. One of...

Do I Need to Pay For Application Maintenance?

Applications these days are like living, breathing things. They can rarely be turned on and off at will or just let run for years without worry. They need care, attention, and sometimes during critical moments, constant monitoring. The...

Do Games Influence People?

The Fear of Games Moral panic surrounding games has made headlines and stoked fears for decades. Dungeons & Dragons was believed to cause depression, violence, and cultism. Similar fears arose about video games, especially violent...

What IS Gamification?

Gamification is the addition of gameplay elements such as goals, rules, and activities to a task with the hope of increasing engagement. But what does it look like in action, and how can gamification be applied to a learning resource in a...

DTx: Are You Ready to Download Your Prescription?

Welcome to the world of digital therapeutics. Most of us have at least a couple of healthcare-related apps on our phones: patient portals, fitness trackers, wearable monitors, and even pharmacy apps. Many of the ubiquitous health apps...