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What is Immersive Sound Design?

What We Use for Sound Design Virtual reality has become an evolutionary cornerstone in immersive technology, and it didn't take long for engineers to realize how spatial audio could significantly enhance the simulated experience. One of...

Do I Need to Pay For Application Maintenance?

Applications these days are like living, breathing things. They can rarely be turned on and off at will or just let run for years without worry. They need care, attention, and sometimes during critical moments, constant monitoring. The...

3D Immersive Training Game

Gamified Sales Process We collaborated with Molina HealthCare to help create a fun and alternative way to help with their training program. The purpose was to showcase their 8-step process of selling in a creative way to help new trainees...

Do Games Influence People?

The Fear of Games Moral panic surrounding games has made headlines and stoked fears for decades. Dungeons & Dragons was believed to cause depression, violence, and cultism. Similar fears arose about video games, especially violent...

What IS Gamification?

Gamification is the addition of gameplay elements such as goals, rules, and activities to a task with the hope of increasing engagement. But what does it look like in action, and how can gamification be applied to a learning resource in a...

DTx: Are You Ready to Download Your Prescription?

Welcome to the world of digital therapeutics. Most of us have at least a couple of healthcare-related apps on our phones: patient portals, fitness trackers, wearable monitors, and even pharmacy apps. Many of the ubiquitous health apps...

A Game Took This Hype Video to the Next Level

Creating the Lightbike Game [Before you read this, check out the Case Studydescribing the video Brendan is discussing!] When developing the game behind the Level Up hype video , I first researched to see if anyone had created Lightbike...

The Benefits of Gamified Learning

The Benefits of Gamified Learning Think back to some of your earliest memories of learning and playing. Is there a lot of crossover? Did you have a fun song to sing while learning to tie your shoes? In babies as young as six months old,...

Vuforia Migration to AR Foundation

Why Vuforia in the First Place? We initially used Vuforia to develop AR apps because it synergized with Unity and could be installed as a module. Vuforia is one of the biggest AR solutions out there for Unity. It was verified by and came...

What are the Types of Augmented Reality?

You’ve heard about AR. But what is it? A lot of our clients have these same questions, especially this one: What are the types of Augmented Reality? In the following post, we’ll outline the most common types of AR, and the advantages of...

Gamified Hype Video

Sales Conference Kickoff Video We once again partnered with Molina to create a video to kick-off their Annual Sales Conference. This time they had a theme that got the entire PTE team excited for: 80s Arcade! Where do we even start? So...

AR Medical Device Training

easyPod AR Medical Instruction More Engaging Than Ever As a partner of Quantum Interface, PTE designed and built an AR app for a global pharmaceutical company. The app has transformed medical device training by using augmented reality, 3D...